The Posting Board

Welcome to The Posting Board Tutorial

Congratulations on signing up or claiming a listing on The Posting Board! Now, let's 'Go Social.' 

Check your email for our 'Let's Go Social' message containing your login details. Then, follow three simple steps to complete your free listing. 

Don't forget to check your spam folder if you can't find our email!

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Take the First Step: Claim or Create Your Free Membership Listing on The Posting Board

Welcome to The Posting Board. If you are watching this tutorial video, it is because you have done one of two things. You either signed up to create a new listing on The Posting Board, or you have claimed an existing listing on The Posting Board, and you are now ready to “Go Social.”

Your first step is to go to the email account that you used when you signed up. Look for the “Let’s Go Social” email from The Posting Board. If you do not find it in your inbox, look in the spam folder; sometimes, they land there. In this email, you will find your login details; however, your password will not be included for security purposes.


You must follow three easy steps to “Go Social” and receive your FREE listing. First, click the links below to like or follow us on two social media Pages. If you do not have two or none at all, please email us.

Each of these links will take you directly to our social media platforms. Once you have landed on our social media platform, simply like or follow. On Instagram, follow. On Twitter, follow. On LinkedIn, follow, And on Facebook, follow.

Step 2. Next, you will copy and paste this Go Social phrase on two of your social media pages. If you’re using Instagram as one of the social media platforms, you will first need to save the attached logo. To do this, hit this image link. This will bring you to The Posting Boards’ social media logo. , save to your downloads, or if on a mobile device, to your photos for later use on Instagram. If you use a mobile phone or mobile device, save your images.

To share on social media, copy the phrase and visit the two profiles you wish to post on. These will be the same profile you selected to follow on The Posting Board. I will be posting on our accounts for training purposes, but please remember that you will be posting on your own profiles. Remember that you will copy these URLs to post on your membership dashboard for verification purposes. This will be explained more later in the video.

On Instagram, hit add. Select the picture from your downloads. Hit next. Paste the phrase and share. On Twitter, paste the phrase and hit tweet. On LinkedIn, hit paste, and then post. Or, if you choose to follow us on Facebook, paste, then post.

Step 3. Verify your identity. At The Posting Board, we review each listing for appropriateness, authenticity, and rights to ownership. By verifying your identity, you help us maintain a safe, secure, and reputable website. 

Complete the following steps to become a verified provider on The Posting Board. Begin by hitting this link labeled The Posting Board. This will take you to the member login page. Enter your email address and password to access your member dashboard. Once on your dashboard, navigate to the listings details page. See the first two fields labeled Let’s Go Social Verification URL 1 and 2. Copy YOUR social media URLs where you shared the “Go Social” phrase and paste it here.

Next, click the upload file button to submit proof of licensure – Therapist, your clinical license to practice, interventionist, proof of intervention certification, and all others, provide proof of license to do business in your state. Please understand that before you hit submit, you must complete your profile by filling in the required fields on your listings details page.

Once submitted, your information will be reviewed and ownership verified. If approved, you will receive a welcome email from The Posting Board.

If you claimed an existing listing on The Posting Board, you would not have access to the listing platform until the information you submitted upon registration is verified and approved. If approved, you, too, will receive a welcome email.

Thank you for going social with The Posting Board; we are so excited you joined us and look forward to growing your business.